All tagged Biological

Podcasts Now Available on iTunes and our Superbowl Trivia Contest Continues

Did you have some friends over to watch the game? We here at had a little get together...

We also had a contest. We also listened to some podcasts, which by the way, did you know has podcasts?  Now you do. Please check out our podcasts page or iTunes to download and listen.

Also, there are two trivia questions from yesterday's Superbowl CBRN trivia contest still awaiting a correct answer on our facebook page.  Contest will run until someone gets the answers.  Winners receive a free "Keep Calm and Decon" Bumper Sticker.

CRBN Operations and Industrial Scale Production/State Sponsored Programs

Today's post continues our Alternate Approach to CBRN Operations, this time looking at industrial scale and state sponsored programs. evaluates the problems, conundrums, and political constraints associated with conducting CBRN Operations in relation to non-proliferation, counter-proliferation, and post-conflict efforts.